We've decided to put together this little "newsletter" to bring everyone up to date!
To celebrate us reaching 250 Likers on our Facebook Page, we are honoring a 20% discount on our Love Bugz Products in store for purchases over $50. Upon checkout, just put your payment method as "Request Totals" and we'll discount your order and send it back to you for payment!
Why are we doing it this way? because our shopping cart software is having an issue publishing the discounts on Love Bugz products!
WELCOME Em's Ear Muffs!
It is a little bit old news, but we are now a dealer for Em's for Kids. Em's is short for Ear-Muffs and are something we LOVE! We have been using ours since Ayrton was 3 months old and this was because we are so involved in Motorsports that it was inevitable that he would be dragged along to something! He is loves them and we have lots of cute photos of him in them at the recent WA Round of the V8 Supercars!
In the meantime, enjoy these photos of the official Em's kid and see them IN STORE! They are under the "Baby Safety" Section of the Beetle Bugz store website.
SPEEDFM and Motorsport Mama Sponsorship
Because we love Motorsport and the people in it SO much, we have decided to sponsor a few events and services. Namely Speed FM (A radio station dedicated to all things Motorsport) and http://www.motorsportmama.blogspot.com/ (A Blog dedicated to parents and partners in Motorsport).
So keep your ears open at Castrol Edge Winternationals at Willow Bank Raceway in a few weeks as we are hoping to get heard and seen! But stay tuned for info on this as it arises! :D We're pretty excited!!!
Our Relationship with Motorsport Mama is making the odd product available for prize give-aways and writting the odd blog post for them.
Keep your eyes and ears open for future appearances with Girl Torque and The Australian Women's Motorsport Network too!
We are working on making some new product relationship with other WAHM businesses to sell their products through our website and also sharing market stalls at the Perth Kids and Babies markets! :D
So all in all we're pretty busy. Everything is going GREAT with the website, so duck over there and have a look! It is always growing and changing!
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