If there is a Poo-smell complaint after the nappies have
been washed, this is an issue that needs to be addressed in the same way as the
Ammonia/Wee-smell issues covered in the previous post, with the introduction of a few
additional tools. Poo-smells are bacteria based smells (Wee is sterile and
doesn’t contain bacteria, whereas poo is riddled with it!). Extra chemicals
need to be introduced into the strip wash method to ensure that the bacteria
which has setup a breeding ground there can be killed.
Unfortunatly, we haven’t yet been able to determine that hot
water alone kills this bacteria as the hot water used in wash cycles is rarely
at boiling point, and if it is, it isn’t there long enough to ensure that the
bacteria will all be killed. These sorts of temperatures also are not good for
the nappy fibres or the elastics in the covers of the nappies and will lead to
elastics stretching out and the fibres in the nappy inserts “loosening” and the
nappy inserts thinning faster.
We suggest the following wash tools to help kill the
Canesten Hygiene Rinse – This is another option
which can be used instead of Dettol. It is slightly more expensive but is
specifically designed for in-laundry uses. It can break the cycle of
re-infection and cross infection (Both of the child and the nappies
themselves!) by helping to eliminate fungal spores that can remain in your
clean washing increasing the risk of re-infection. Canesten Hygiene Rinse can
be used in cold or hot wash. The downside of this product is that it is not as
readily available as Detol and can usually only be purchased through a chemist.
The advantage that it has though is that if your baby is suffering from thrush,
this will help break the cycle of the nappy rash part of it faster than the Dettol.
If after the addition of one of these products, the poo
smell still exists, and a full strip wash has been performed beforehand,
examination will need to be made of your water source and the cleanliness of
your washing machine.